

September 13, 2024

The Mobility+ display at InnoTrans is growing: additional mobility services for flexible transport

• Demand for flexible transport is growing: on-demand and sharing services are increasingly supporting public transport

• A dedicated hall for innovative mobility solutions, including self-driving vehicles, digital mobility platforms and real-time analyses for optimising public transport and much more.

• Mobility+ Corner with specialist presentations on forward-looking topics such as driverless vehicle pooling, MaaS and the transport revolution.

Passenger demand for flexible transport is on the rise. As a result, on-demand and pooling services are becoming increasingly important in local public transport. They support regular rail and bus services and even out availability and timetable problems– whether in urban centres or sparsely populated rural areas.

Smart digital solutions that bundle data and simplify processes are needed to ensure that individual services mesh smoothly, thereby improving the passenger experience and customer satisfaction. On the Mobility+ display in Hall 7.1c, 34 companies and transport associations are presenting their supporting mobility services, including some world innovations. Exhibits range from on-demand driving systems, mobility apps and vehicle pooling platforms to solutions for covering the first and last mile.

Siemens Mobility: solutions for sustainable and seamless transport

On the Mobility+ display Siemens Mobility is offering visitors an overview of the company's software products, such as software for on-demand transport, intermodal journey planning and mobility as a service, as well as online ticketing solutions. Siemens Mobility aims to show how it is revolutionising mobility for everyone and making sustainable transport more seamless and accessible. Detailed information on the extensive software portfolio is available on stand 203 in Hall 7.1c and on the main stand in hub27 (Hall 27, Stand 230).

KIRA: on-demand shuttle with an autonomous driving system

Driverless vehicles are crucial to expanding public transport and implementing the mobility transition. This is especially true in times when drivers are in short supply. Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund Servicegesellschaft demonstrates the progress already made by this technology with its KIRA shuttle (the acronym stands for AI-based regular operation of on-demand driverless transport). The electric shuttles are equipped with a Mobileye Drive™ autonomous driving system which combines information from camera, radar and lidar sensors with intelligent data from the roads. The rules required for self-driving are provided by a mathematical safety model. The shuttles can be booked via an app.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 240)

Via Technologies: Optimised public transport and satisfied passengers

Via Technologies is presenting its Citymapper for Cities concept. The platform enables transport companies and cities to combine a Mobility-as-a-Service solution with continuous analysis of passenger data. Real-time updates and seamless direct communications between those responsible facilitate the optimisation of public transport. Precise traffic information also increases passenger confidence in public transport.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 229)

Better Mobility: one app for all modes of transport

The Mobility Broker platform from Better Mobility GmbH helps cities and local transport providers develop networked and sustainable mobility services. All public mobility services - from e-scooters to taxis - are networked on a multimodal platform. Customers benefit from a standardised search, digital booking and integrated billing.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 219)

Vesputi: Mobilitybox for cross-border public transport

Digital tickets are only used for just over a fifth of the approximately 60 billion journeys made by public transport across Europe. In order to increase this proportion, Vesputi has developed its Mobilitybox, a standardised interface that connects transport companies with national and international companies. Companies can use the Mobilitybox to integrate bus and train tickets into their app or website.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 220)

GoodMaps: barrier-free app helps passengers to find their way around

The GoodMaps navigation app helps people with and without disabilities to find their way around indoors. They receive precise directions and can choose their language and the type of instructions and route according to their needs - for example, a route without steps for wheelchair users, one with fewer obstacles for visually impaired people, or a quieter route for those who dislike crowds. The navigation service is already in use at many train stations across the UK.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 208)

MOTIONTAG: real-time data for comprehensive mobility analyses

MOTIONTAG software provides detailed real-time data on how people move around a city – regardless of how many transport modes they use. It can be incorporated into various apps as a white-labelled app. The route and time-specific data helps transport service providers develop flexible and efficient services.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 204)

Optibus: strategic planning makes public transport more efficient

Optibus helps transport operators to collect data and generate a single, reliable data source. Using AI-based predictive timetables, demand optimisation and GIS-based planning, timetabling can be streamlined and service reliability improved. This enables transport companies to save costs, improve services and increase passenger satisfaction.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 130)

Axon Vibe: rewards system for sustainable train travel

Axon Vibe is presenting an AI-controlled mobility and rewards platform which is also part of Deutsche Bahn's Regio Guide app. Frequent travellers can use the app to receive a digital voucher for a free coffee, for example, or discounts at station restaurants in the event of minor delays.
(Hall 7.1c, Stand 440)

goFlux: integrating carpooling in public transport

goFLUX, based in Cologne, aims to motivate people to carpool to work with its app. Company employees can use the platform to offer and find rides. This encourages networking among the workforce while simultaneously reducing private transport. Drivers also benefit from a financial incentive if they offer people a lift.
(Hall 7.1, Stand 110)

intelliTicket: geo-locating passengers

intelliTicket’s new hardware solution automatically detects the presence of passengers and analyses their location to within a few centimetres. It enables transport companies to make automatic ticket billing part of their operations and send personalised service information to the end devices of specific groups of passengers. The system requires neither network coverage, internet, GPS nor passengers to connect their devices.
(Hall 7.1, Stand 140)

Information on all exhibitors on the Mobility+ display can be found on InnoTransPlus.

Mobility+ Corner with an impressive programme

On all four days of the trade show, presentations will take place at the Mobility+ Corner Hall Forum, where exhibitors will present their forward-looking products and services for additional mobility and will answer trade visitors’ questions. Among the highlights are:

Tuesday, 24 September, 1.00 – 1.30 p.m.

What MaaS does wrong and Citymapper does right: How Citymapper is redefining MaaS services and helping public transport to really take off
Via Technologies is still looking for a new speaker.

Tuesday, 24 September, 3.15 – 3.45 p.m.

Transport revolution in the mind: road commuters carpool for public transport
Speaker: Wolfram Uerlich, goFlux & Karos Germany

Wednesday, 25 September, 4.00 – 4.30 p.m.

From green loyalty programmes to mobility insights with a single app: success stories from German cities
Speaker; Fabian Sauthier, MOTIONTAG AG

Thursday, 26 September, 10.00 – 10.30 a.m.

BWRider – the new all-in-one on-demand mobility platform for Baden-Württemberg
Speaker: Julie Authelet, Simdle Mobility

All Mobility+ Corner presentations can be found in the programme overview on InnoTransPlus.

Mobility service for trade show visitors

Successfully managing the first and last mile is an important part of making local public transport more attractive and taking a further step towards sustainable mobility. This door-to-door concept can also be experienced at InnoTrans. In cooperation with the mobility app Jelbi from Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe, Messe Berlin has set up three mobility points around the exhibition grounds, where visitors can rent e-scooters or bicycles to cover the last mile from the exhibition grounds to the nearest stop on public transport.

Media representatives can use press photos from InnoTrans for their editorial reporting.

Media representatives can obtain accreditation for InnoTrans on the InnoTrans website.

About InnoTrans

InnoTrans is the world’s leading trade show for transport technology and takes place every two years in Berlin. The five segments at InnoTrans comprise Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction. InnoTrans is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH. In 2022, 2,771 exhibitors from 56 countries exhibited their products and services to 132,319 trade visitors from 137 countries. 128 vehicles and 14 buses were shown on the outdoor display site and Bus Display. The next InnoTrans will take place on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds from 24 to 27 September 2024. For more information: